My Vision

‘If life has no vision that one longs for, then there is no motive to engage.’
Erich Fromm
‘The sound and I became one and I knew I was in the source of my own being. There it revealed itself, my vision.’
Monika Cyrani
It is my vision that we humans learn to meet ourselves more and more on the level of the heart without violence – ourselves and thus also more and more other people. No matter what nationality, religion, sexual orientation or faith they may have.
When I look through the eyes of my vision, I feel its clarity and I hear its call. And then I sit down at the piano and write a song. The song gives me strength and inspiration, and I pass on this inspiration and strength in the form of my CDs, seminars, texts, concerts or the books I am currently writing.
My great joy and my vocation is to build bridges. But not bridges made of wood or metal, but of sound and music. They lead into the heart, connecting what is seemingly separate. They awaken an awareness of togetherness in which love, not fear, reigns.
Bridges built from sound are not material, but neither is love. We cannot touch it, but we can still feel its effect. And it is what we all long for. Its seed germinates in a spirit that invites it.